Alan Neil Kippax in Network-Marketing Mentoring
If you are going to ask any network marketer how they became successful, they would probably answer they had a good mentor. Somewhere along the way, somebody cared enough to help. Somebody inspired them. Somebody pushed them down the road of success. At Homerun International (HRI) , mentoring is a hallmark. The success of the company and its distributors depends on the network marketing recruiting techniques used by its members. What is a mentor according to Alan Neil Kippax ? According to Alan Kippax ( this is Alan Neil Kippax’s short name ) , a mentor is a professional who possesses specialized skills and is responsible for the learning and development of his protégé. In our today’s world, he or she can be younger or older than you. Or he or she can be more sophisticated than you when it comes to dressing. The basis for being a mentor is not the age or how you looked like but the skills you possess. The only real qualif...