Alan Neil Kippax in Network-Marketing Mentoring
If you are going to ask any network marketer how they became successful, they would probably answer they had a good mentor. Somewhere along the way, somebody cared enough to help. Somebody inspired them. Somebody pushed them down the road of success.
At Homerun International (HRI), mentoring is a hallmark. The success of the company and its distributors depends on the network marketing recruiting techniques used by its members.
What is a mentor according to Alan Neil Kippax?
According to Alan Kippax (this is Alan Neil Kippax’s short name), a mentor is a professional who possesses specialized skills and is responsible for the learning and development of his protégé. In our today’s world, he or she can be younger or older than you. Or he or she can be more sophisticated than you when it comes to dressing. The basis for being a mentor is not the age or how you looked like but the skills you possess. The only real qualification is they must possess the unique ability to teach others what they already know.
Here are the things that a mentor exactly does for you:
1. Discussing the trends in your profession.
According to Alan Kippax, network marketing is already a trend itself but still, there are other specific trends. Some of them include fast turnaround of payouts, holding of social parties, developing products to provide premium lifestyle and providing home jobs for those people who are just "stay at home" moms.
2. Discussing basic practices that can make you an expert on your field.
Every business is moving towards visibility online, which enhances exposure. Understanding consumer needs and demands for quality products and services is important. Additionally, allocating a regular time for evaluating and planning on how to reach your goals are basic practices as well.
3. Discussing the key players in your field.
The network marketing has key players: product lines, prices, and promotion. Having good strategies for those helps the network marketing business. Your mentor offers information about these aspects of network marketing.
4. Discussing new technology that can impact network marketing in the future.
The SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one of the trends in e-business. Many network-marketing websites are exerting their effort for them to have a good ranking at different search engines. Your mentor teaches you how to use these trends to increase your business, this is vital.
5. Discussing experiences and expertise in network marketing.
Allan Neil Kippax believes in the saying that “Experience is the best teacher.” We become expert by blending what we learn from theory and integrating them into practice. Your mentor is an experienced network marketer who can share with you the best practices in the industry.
What are the characteristics of a good network-marketing mentor?
Having a strong commitment to mentoring is the best characteristic a mentor can possess. According to Alan Neil Kippax, mentoring is not a game of chance. Once you commit yourself to become a mentor, you must be ready to face the challenges of doing so. The success of your protégés is likely going to be dependent on how well you, as a mentor, trained him or her.
Next in line is the passion to mentor. You must be somebody who loves to mentor and enjoy seeing the lives of your protégés improved.
Lastly, you must have the special skills it takes to be an effective mentor. You cannot give what you do not have. As a byproduct of your training and experience, you must be able to communicate and share everything you know about the business.
In the end, Alan Neil Kippax believes a mentor plays an important role in the development of any good network marketer. It is a big responsibility to take someone under your wing and show him or her the ins and outs of the business. The most important role you may have as a mentor is helping move your protégés forward when they start doubting their abilities to succeed as a network marketer. The rewards you will get as a mentor will include being able to build relationships that will last a lifetime. In addition, you will get the experience of feeling like a proud parent when one of your very own rises to the top.
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